Tuesday, January 03, 2006

new year's resolutions

i woke up this morning at 3:12 a.m.

3:12 a.m. which may mean little to you dear reader, but i covet my sleep and usually find such enjoyment in it. but this morning there have been other designs. i have already worked for 30 minutes, answering emails and trying to think up some clever phrases for packaging we are helping conceive; i also continued working on a poem begun yesterday, which will probably be finessed when i'm really lucid.

new years day. tabula rasa. the flicking out of a newly washed fitted sheet onto a bed, smelling of bounce freshness. i love the promise of a new year and all that it could hold. i think they provide markers, much like our birthdays where we are given an opportunity for a new start. really, there are new starts throughout the year, but this one for many people sticks out as a keeper.

but perhaps it is now perceived as a false fresh start. many of my friends who i asked the simple questions: what do you hope to accomplish this year? do you have any goals for the year? gave the somewhat passable answer of "not doing that sort of thing" which i kind of wonder is a cop-out. i think there is much to be said for going big picture and visualizing what you want your life to be about because then it helps each of us see where we need action steps and what those look like. otherwise we are all dreamers and visionaries with no feet. i personally am looking forward to the following:

-- i resolve to learn calligraphy this year
-- i resolve to play badminton regularly
-- i resolve to call my parents at least once a week
-- i resolve to write more letters
-- i resolve to make better choices
-- i resolve to start putting myself out there- in terms of seeking to be published
-- i resolve to fix my blog again, so my links reappear. argh.
-- i resolve to not be the darling of thugs, hoodlums, drug dealers and the homeless

so dear friend, i challenge you to challenge yourself with one thing that you may think is beyond your power to accomplish this year and then the challenge goes on: may you seek after accomplishing that thing with every ounce of sustenance and God's provision that is afforded you. may God guide your feet and provide the energy and power that is His to bestow and may you achieve your goal, knowing it is you in His power achieving it. and i would lastly encourage you to take the baby steps that will help you achieve the whole/ the big picture image.

if you feel like sharing with me what that one thing is, leave a comment or email me. cheers.


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