Saturday, January 22, 2005

the phantom of the unsightly notes

after a long day sitting around and drinking tea, learning about tea, being absorbed into the wild wooly world of tea, i decided to take myself out on a date. it was either that or shopping and i didn't have my gap gift card with me to pick up this cute brown blazer with tipped edges...

i went to see "phantom of the opera" figuring i was in a musical kind of mode (the kind i was NOT in when i originally saw "moulin rouge" which made it such a quirky, laughable experience). i understand now why "the phantom" received such tepid reviews... there were notes that the ingenue heroine christine tried hitting that might as well have been concord grape related. sour, really. and she never opened her mouth, so i wondered how she was able to hit some of those higher notes. hmm. this same christine walked around whenever the phantom was around with her mouth opened a la britney spears. v. annoying bc when it happened i could only stare at her mouth and wonder if the director had directed in the open mouth routines. the big doe eyes. i could almost hear him in my head:

"no, no emmy. more mouth. open. somewhere in between aghast and lust. and i want to see your eyes. open them wide. so wide that the white blends into your eyelids." (okay maybe a tad dramatic of a re-enactment).

i'm sure some people cried when they saw this movie, but there i was in the lovely coronet movie theater kind of scoffing- definitely not my original intent. in the end, i'm just kind of surprised andrew lloyd webber affixed his name to this production. maybe he's going tone deaf as he ages...

so see it if you must, but you have been warned.


Blogger MezzoCO said...

DUDE! So, I would just like to say that I LOVE the regular, musical version of Phantom. In fact, I was totally obsessed with it when I first saw it, like 15 years ago. I knew -- and still know -- every single lyric to every single part! Hello?! Paris Opera house!?!?
That being said...I was disappointed in the movie. I thought it was beautiful to look at, and the idea was good. But, the singing was crappy. The best part about it was Minnie Driver (hysterical), but she did not do her own singing (check waaaaaayyyy down the line of the credits...). The worst part? People might think this is really opera singing! ACK!
Anywho. I suggest the original book, by Gaston Leroux. It's great.

11:12 PM  

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