Monday, March 07, 2005

green march and its various diagnoses

last week i had the pleasure and sheer fatigue of getting to fly on 8 airplanes within one week. i jetted to new orleans for work, then back to san francisco and then out to minneapolis for work, which was no small feat (considering i had two 4 a.m. wake-up calls within the week).

i have dubbed this month green march, for the logical connection (st. patrick's day) and the pointed, personal one (money). i even found that oprah's march issue is on money, so her editors and i must be on the same wavelength- maybe i'll be the next big thing in her o list of favorites, who knows.

while in new orleans, i endeavored to contemplate the piracy of things at work through prayer and meditation of key passages in the Bible. it was a great time of me being cooped up in a hotel room, finally forced to do some necessary evaluations and having no distractions or conflicts to prevent me from focusing in. through this, i remember having to push through fatigue because i wanted to hear from God badly enough on these things. so here's a brief synopsis of my discoveries:

-- though the last two students from my grad school put in their two weeks notice a week apart from each other, it doesn't mean it's my time to move on.
-- but i am moving housing-wise (have an idea of the where and am 85% convinced)
-- my boss had a dream one night two weeks ago of me being in another country among village children, happy with a big smile on my face and short-haired.
-- so living overseas is relegated to the periphery of things for now, again.
-- i am contemplating getting a small dog.
-- not sure that it's more than a contemplation at this part.
-- was made aware that i am weak in and need to change at work in certain behaviors.
-- was made aware that i need to take a different tack when it comes to my finances.
-- but specifically when it comes to wanting to live a simple life, but wrestling with the overindulgence that is the american dream.

i have a new theory that i might be well suited to be in a bedouin tribe having profound appreciation for being nomadic. may green march find you ready. drop me a line and tell me what you're contemplating these days, if you'd like.


Blogger Sandra Vahtel said...

I have no idea where March is going to take me. New apartment, new people (umm, the "situation" completely exploded...shall email you there,, actually I'm just tired of talking/thinking about it, just know it's over and didn't end well), new job which is still an unknown.

My new roommates have a motto that the greatest miracles come from service (or something along those lines). So, I think the next few months are going to be investing in people here and serving their needs. I want to focus on something other than me for a good long while (umm, forever?).

I'm also going to take the opportunity to unlearn some of the lies that I've believed about myself since childhood. Some deep-seated ones that I believe are impeding my relationship with God, what I really believe of Him, and what I can accomplish through Him. 'Cause right now, I feel like the seed that's fallen on the thorns -- like I've heard, but I'm so caught up in "worries...of this life" that no maturity can take place. This stuff needs to be addressed now.

Let the healing begin!

5:32 PM  
Blogger annelies said...

george costanza said it best when he said, "serenity now!"

sandra- let's chat soon... i'll be praying for you.

9:03 PM  

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